
About the CommitteeFunding

The Committee is one of five bodies in the Association for Generally Accepted Principles in the Securities Market. The Association is a non-profit organisation that operates on the principle of self-regulation, which means that experts from different fields collaborate on the setting of regulations and standards, interpret regulations and review how the sector complies with regulations. 

The activities are financed by various fees, most of which come from the companies listed on the Swedish stock exchange, (Nasdaq Stockholm's Main Market). These listed companies pay a self-regulation fee to the Association and the fee is paid annually on an ongoing basis in advance. The fee represents a sum corresponding to a percentage of the annual listing fee that each company pays to Nasdaq Stockholm. The percentage shall reflect the cost of sustainable, high-quality self-regulation in the stock market area.

Fees paid by the Association's principals/members account for a small part, as do payments for services and rulings delivered for by the Swedish Securities Council. Companies listed on the Nordic Growth Market NGM (Main Regulated Equity) pay a fee for accounting supervision conducted by the Council for Swedish Financial Reporting Supervision.