
About the CommitteeStatutes

The statutes of the Association for Generally Accepted Principles in the Securities Market (Föreningen för god sed på värdepappersmarknaden) apply to the Association and to its five executive bodies: the Swedish Securities Council (Aktiemarknadsnämnden); the Stock Market Self-Regulation Committee (Aktiemarknadens självregleringskommitté); the Swedish Corporate Governance Board (Kollegiet för svensk bolagsstyrning); the Swedish Corporate Reporting Board (Rådet för hållbarhets- och finansiell rapportering) and the Council for Swedish Financial Reporting Supervision (Nämnden för svensk redovisningstillsyn).

Below, the following are those parts of statutes of the Association for Generally Accepted Principles in the Securities Market that apply to the Stock Market Self-Regulation Committee, including amendments adopted by the Association Meeting on June 16, 2023.

If the English version of the Association's statutes should in any way differ from the Swedish version, it is the Swedish version that applies.

The Stock Market Self-Regulation Committee (the Committee)


§ 80

The Committee shall:

  • promote good practices on the Swedish securities market by issuing rules, including rules concerning public takeovers, and
  • work for greater awareness about the stock market in Sweden and internationally as well as take into account Swedish interests in this area.

§ 81

The Committee is a normative body in Swedish self-regulation with regard to Swedish and foreign companies whose stocks are listed for trade in a regulated Swedish stock exchange as well as foreign companies whose shares upon the initiative of the company are traded on a trading platform in Sweden (listed companies).

The assignment to promote good practices on the Swedish stock market entail, for example, to:

  • monitor the application of issued rules in the market,
  • monitor the development of laws and other legislation concerning security market issues in Sweden and internationally, and
  • on the basis of this issue new or the amendments of existing rules that are considered appropriate as well as anchor these with concerned actors.


§ 82

The Committee consists of its Chair and at least four Members. All Members are appointed by the Committee’s Board for no more than two years. A Member can be appointed for an additional period.

The Board shall ensure that the Committee has a broad composition, with the aim to enjoy confidence amongst actors in the stock market and are suitable with regard to the Committee’s tasks. A Member of the Committee shall contribute to the Committee’s work with his or her personal skills and experience and not represent any defined underlying interest.

§ 83

The Committee shall have a composition that fosters trust in its ability to fulfil its tasks with a high degree of knowledge and skills and full integrity vis-à-vis individual actors and other interests. To provide for this, different relevant experiences, areas of competence and perspectives, with a bearing on actual conditions in listed companies and in the stock market, be represented in a balanced manner among the Committee’s members.

§ 84

In addition to the aforementioned appointed ordinary Members the Committee can co- opt more individuals for its work with single meetings or continuously. Decisions concerning continuous co-option shall be supported by all ordinary Members.

§ 85

The Committee shall, as in a manner more precisely decided by the association, have a Secretariat or secretarial resources, which can be provided by the association or other executive bodies.

The Association’s Secretariat publishes rulings that are issued by the Committee and, when needed, provides other resources that can be needed for the Committee’s external communications.

§ 86

The Committee shall continuously and in a manner that more precisely indicated by the Association, report on its finances and operations to the Association.

Forms of work

§ 87

The Committee shall meet when needed. The Chair calls meetings. Additionally, an individual Member can call for the Committee to meet.

§ 88

For a quorum at least half of the Committee’s Members are required to be present and participate in the decision. Each Member has one vote. Members have the right to have divergent views noted in the minutes.

Decisions are normally taken with simple majority. In case of equal votes, the Chair’s standpoint prevails. However, decisions concerning the establishment of new or amended existing rules with regard to good practices in the stock market are taken by a qualified majority consisting of at least three quarters of all ordinary Members.

§ 89

The Committee shall in plenary establish the Rules of Procedure in which the forms for the Committee’s work are more precisely regulated and shall inform the Association about the content of these Rules.


§ 90

A Member of the Committee can receive renumeration according to principles that are established by the Association’s Board, in which renumeration can be varied and, in some cases, not awarded.